Thursday, August 18, 2016


Salutations! To that handful of you who have followed, and read my banal little blog posts over the years, you may have noticed I've done a little housework and redecorating here! (I changed the name of my blog and put up some different pictures  and color schemes. I know, SUPER creative of me, right?)

 So it's been a hot minute since I've made a post and I decided on a more relevant blog title.

 For those who may not be aware, I am currently employed at a Starbucks as a real, live barista!
 For those who are REALLY not aware, I was trained as a barista almost 11 years ago, so it's not even a recent development. (which makes the title relevant, even when I am no longer a I am not planning on making a career out of coffee....despite having done so for as long as I have.)

 I am also, a Mormon (check the link on the right over there--------> the one that says "What makes me happy") Many of you may be aware that MORMONS!!!!! Aren't supposed to drink coffee.

It's true.

we aren't.

And to clarify; no, I don't drink coffee.

I make it. I'm pretty decent at making it. I know several things about it. I know and can describe the difference between a cappuccino, latte, macchiato, and flat white, and I'm pretty dang good at making each one of them. (few things are as satisfying as steaming the perfect foam)  I still don't drink it, never touch the stuff.

SO, I am a conundrum, a running joke; the "Mormon Barista". This means that when I ask you what your order is and you say to me, "I'm not sure, what do you like?" (which first of all, is annoying. don't approach the counter at a coffee shop unless you are ready to order. there are frequently customers behind you who already know what they want, and are in a hurry.)
 My answer will be something that has no coffee, espresso, or (non-herbal) tea in it. The hot chocolate is custom made and delicious (try it with a pump of peppermint!) the passion tango tea with lemonade is quite refreshing, and should you have a hankering for something really sweet, the vanilla bean is pretty tasty!

So here I am: your friendly, neighborhood, Mormon Barista.
I have missed blogging and have felt its absence, so I am back; new and (hopefully) improved!

I will still be commenting on my own musings with parenthetical insertions (duh) but I am not worrying about what anyone thinks about me or my cogitations anymore.  "Judge me" if you must "dear reader" I am who I am.

.....And stay tuned! More updates to come very soon!