Blog is a strange word. I remember as a little kid I would frequently kill time quietly thinking about words that sounded strange, saying them over and over again in my head until they sounded even weirder. (Chicken, Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicken, Chickeeeeeeeeeeeeen, Chiiiiiiiickeeeeeen, Chi----cken). The word, 'Blog' makes me think of the sound my daughter makes as she spits up on my shoulder.( BLOG! ewwwwww! burp rag somebody!!!) Really its kind of an ugly LOOKING word (BLOOOOOOOG!!) BUT, it seems EVERYONE is doing it.....
......Wait a second! I am no social conformist! I don't do things just because it is the popular thing to do! I am an independent thinker!
....I mean yeah, I have a facebook, but that is ONLY to keep in touch with old friends and stuff, right?
And, okay, I do sort of follow SOME fashion trends....but ,you know, but just the good ones!
....And I guess that I too, have things to say that people might potentially want to read about.......
Wow I guess I am not the cool, independently minded person I thought I I am gonna have to come to terms with that somehow.... I guess I could BLOG about it!
I suppose then, that the time has come for me to officially, enter the 'blogosphere'.
Here goes.....
This is me. My name is Corinne,
......I am a wife, to an incredible husband
......I am a mommy of the two most awesome, adorable, perfect and wonderful children (Okay, I am a TEENSY bit biased)
I am also a lot of other things when I need to be as well:
.....A sultry backup singer for my sister's music video
....A super, awesome nerd, who dresses in character costume, for midnight releases of my favorite books
.....A great place to take a nap on
So here I go, feet first into this world of 'blogging', and watch out, I will blog the blog out of all you bloggers, and be the best blogging, blogger in the entire blogosphere!!! :)
That was REALLY funny, Babe! Keep it up! I'm your first comment! I love you!